Sculpture by Ivo Meier - climbing high

Climbing High

"Climbing High " is a sculpture that inspires and reminds you to set ambitious goals. 

Setting ambitious goals is like a climber overcoming a steep rock face on a mountain. The summit may seem far away, but setting high goals motivates us to surpass ourselves. Whether you reach these goals or not, you always achieve more than if you only set yourself less ambitious goals. The journey is the destination.

Like a climber, you need a plan to tackle the challenges that arise along the way. When facing difficulties, you must find creative solutions and adapt. A safety rope provides the necessary security, even if you don't always need it – it's the confidence in your abilities and the support of others that prevents you from falling.

Ambitious goal setting requires:

  • A clear vision and specific objectives

  • A step-by-step plan to achieve these goals

  • Resilience and the ability to adapt to obstacles

  • Creative problem-solving skills

  • A support system or "safety rope" for guidance and encouragement

In this sense: Let's climb the peaks and conquer the steep rock faces that life presents to us!




Climbing High


3D Druck (PLA)




50x22x8 cm





I love to hear from you! If you have any questions or comments on this artwork or my work, follow this link <here>.

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Artseries Overview

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