Trust your Values
Emptiness V I (colored blue)
Emptiness V II - (colored red)
Emptiness V 4 (hope)
Emptiness V 5 (overcame)
Winning Spin
Social Consensus
Sphere of Values
Marianne Perroulaz, 65
#ValueMatters an experiment about 27 people
Social Consensus
3D - endless variations/media
House of Values
Social Consensus
Ivo Meier and his values
Deborah Meier - Student, 21
Infinity (Sculpture)
Celeritas (wall art/interactive)
Having a vision
a subtle journey...
Circle of influence
Growing Rage
About your personal data
Solidarity Ukraine (wall scultpure, interactive)
For or Against
Big Values - Sweetspot
Big Values
Sweetspot - an art series
Prisoner in a cube
Rage - it matters!
Wall-Sculpture, interactive
Wall-Sculpture, interactive
Rage-For or Against
Diversity (Sweetspot)
Inner World 2019
Wall-Sculpture, interactive
Wall-Sculpture, 2020
Impact (stripes) (2019)
Infinity (Sweetspot)
Inner World
In-/Sanity - being pulled apart...
(wall-art, 2020)
Centric (round) (2018)
Centric (black/white, 2018)
Wall-Sculpture, interactive
Umbrella Revolution
Bronze Sculpture
Digital Art Sculpture
Artseries RAGE Article Count: 10
Artseries UNLIMITED Article Count: 3
Artseries CENTRIC & IMPACT Article Count: 8
Early Works Article Count: 1
Artseries SWEETSPOT Article Count: 9
The art series ‘Sweetspot’ embodies a captivating concept that resonates with the essence of art. Imagine a photograph where the focal point—the sweetspot—captures the heart of the scene. In these sculptures, each form contains a core element that encapsulates the true essence of its larger sculpture. Just as a photographer seeks that perfect spot to capture the essence of their subject, these sweetspot sculpture are like whispers of truth, inviting us to explore the soul of each creation and the bigger picture and context.