Value Matters - Sphere of Values - by Ivo Meier

#ValueMatters - House of Values

House of Values

The house of values are based on the individuals preferred colors and interior < #ValueMatters >.

Deborah M-Studentin-20 Jahre alt


Agnes K - Pensionärin - 95 Jahre alt


Kathrin M - 56 years old


Geri S - Yoga Lehrerin - 58 Jahre alt


Thomas F - Professor - 45 Jahre alt


Marianne P - Lehrerin und Studentin - 63 Jahre alt


Ivo Meier - Digital Transformation Lead - 53 Jahre alt

Emily M-Studentin-18 Jahre alt


Rosamarie K - Lehrerin - 63 Jahre


Manuela Jund - Learning & Development - 28 Jahre alt


Roman P - Coach - 53 Jahre alt


Elena W - Student - 20 Jahre alt


Andrea S - Financial Counselor - 55 Jahre alt


Social Consensus

more to come

Weitere Häuser warten darauf dokumentiert zu werden




House of Values (27)


3D printed sculpture




Sculpture 12x12x15 cm


5 (signed/numbered)


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Artseries Overview

Centric & Impact

The spheres represent the elements and events of our lives, and the impacts that we have on ourselves, on others, and on the world.


The art series ‘contemplation’ explores the idea of duality and emptiness...create, think, feel, and transform

#Values matter

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Visit the art project


Smaller and affordable variants of the larger sculpture following the photographic concept about finding the sweetspot...


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Ulimited editions on some of my favourite sculpture and also singles /